The below is a primary tail feather of a Shama in Malacca some years back. Probably the longest tailed Shama on record in this state. I heard that it became blind in one eye and was subsequently sold for RM1k. I would have offered much more for it......

The following are the primary tail feathers of Apollo X. He is currently molting before his time. Building on his genes, I wish to breed long tailed Shamas with dispositions similar to Grik birds. Wishing myself good luck in the endeavour ;)
Tail so long, better train your dog to guard them against wall climbing ninjas at night. Maybe it's time for that skinny-like-got-worms..peep bu terror of yours to start earning his keep....(or is he known as a pit bull terrier?...sorry, not familiar with dog breeds..hehehe)
It is extremely interesting for me to read that article. Thank you for it. I like such themes and anything connected to this matter. I would like to read a bit more on that blog soon.
Sincerely yours
Hi Jeff,
That skinny-like-got-worms pit bull passed away 2 months ago. She was sick for much longer than that. Terminal illness which my vet refuse to put her to sleep due to some religious thing. Sort of hits a cord and I just let her drag till the end. She was one hell of a pit bull when I had more time for her in her younger days. Her fat ugly son lives on if anybody got funny ideas hahaha!
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