My new Shama has just started learning to eat pellets.... or so I thought. So, I became careless and forgot to feed his live food ration for the 2nd half of the day. The next morning it was on the cage floor and was very weak. Even the head was all twisted backwards. From experience, this bird is a sure gonner :(
Remembering my emergency supplies, I started the mixture.... 3g powder to 1.5ml water was the instruction. And so carefully fed the Shama. Problem is there is no exact instruction of how much to feed a Shama. So, I fed what I thought was the right amount, one or two mouthful. Swallowing was difficult.
Its condition yo-yo up and down, as when it became stronger, it struggled hard not to be fed. But finally after 24 hours, its condition stabled and was able to eat by itself. Was seen on the perch.... and another12 hours later was flying all over the cage.
Sigh! what a close call & a very valuable experience ;)
thanks a lot for the precious input, hoping too high that you will give much more explanation about the care of white rumped shama :)
btw, are you really running your own "zoo"? how much species of birds and animals that you kept? :)
There is nothing much I can add about the care of Whiet-rumped Shama that is not already in the public domain. Discussions are much easier to follow & refer back to in forums such as Malaysia Bird Forum & Shama Club (Singapore). Make use of them. The real experts (a.k.a. Sifus are there).
dance4rain, which kind of food you have bought??? Could you pls advise its name then I can ask my friend to buy. I don't think Vietnam has this
Thank you
Hi Abdullah & DuongTM,
First I must apologise if I appear inadequate to give advises. I am still new to this bird keeping thing and probably will always be new. Many mistakes were made, so I feel inadequate to give others advise. That is not the purpose of this blog. I blog to chronicle my experiences and journey in this hobby. The true experts are out there. But also be cautious of people who are worst than me pretending to be the experts ;)
I use a brand called "Revive" bought from Singapore through a friend who goes there. I do not post a picture as I do not wish to appear to be advertising. Rescuing near death Shama is furthest from mind when I bought it. It is for a friend who keeps raptors and sometimes through error, when flying weight is brought too low, this will save lives.
Hi friend,
It's not an advertising. The major purpose is to rescue our bird in time and correct way. In this case, your choice is the most right one :)
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